Moving Beyond the Pattern

Patterns of behavior can be very comfortable.  Yet, as you look around you and back a couple of generations, we see how much these expected behavior patterns have changed.  For example, consider the mode of transportation available for your grandparents or great grandparents.  How did they communicate and stay in touch with extended family without cell phones?  How did they preserve family history without computers?  How did they explore and learn what was going on nation-wide or world-wide?

The use of technology continues to evolve.  What about your own patterns of behavior?  How are they evolving.

Consider the “role expectations” your parents or teachers relayed to you?  Was it to continue to be in touch with the best within you? To explore options? To learn how to problem-solve, think for yourself, and live that way?  Or was it to “keep in step” and not “rock the boat?”  Was it to be seen and not heard?  Was it never to trust anyone but yourself?

What are the expectations you have put on yourself?  Are they helping you to continue growing as a person, to become more vibrant about life, to become more creative and adventuresome.  Or are your own expectations stifling the life and radiance out of you?  You do have the right to choose your own expectations of yourself!

May you have the courage to see clearly the expectations you have put on yourself or accepted from others.  May you have the courage to step beyond what holds you back.  May you have the courage to take to heart the words of Jesus, “I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.”  - Jackie F.