Love's Pure Light: A Shape We Did Not Foresee

“I cannot tell you how the light comes, but that it does. That it will. That it works its way into the deepest dark that enfolds you though it may seem long ages in coming or arrive in a shape you did not foresee.” -Jan Richardson

This year’s Advent inquiry about light - and light coming in a shape we did not foresee has been profound. I find this theme showing up repeatedly, not just in worship, but in all areas of my life. My spiritual director has pointed out that this “repetitive flag waving” is a sure sign that the Holy Spirit is trying to get me to “Pay attention.” I decided last week to bring this Advent “light coming in shapes we did not foresee” Advent theme to our monthly clergy sisters gathering. As we opened ourselves to the depths of this inquiry, I found myself sitting with a group of spiritual sisters/seekers who were overcome by silence and could not speak.

That has happened to us in worship during our Advent journey too. After Beau sings or plays something moving, I have noticed that we want to pause and sit for just a few seconds. Sometimes we really soak up that silent time after our “Be Still and Know I am God” prayer. This desire for pause leads me to believe that, even though we are journeying and noticing, and doing, and preparing for the fourth Sunday of Advent, we are only beginning to plumb the depths of the many physical, emotional, and spiritual, manifestations of light (which in this case comes in the form of silence and invitations to pause) that we are encountering as individuals, as a nation, and as beloved community. There is light in the silence. There is light in the invitation to pause…  I invite you to sit with that.

I’m smiling at myself while I am still typing and wanting to throw more words at you about silence.  (You know that is my default setting and one of my spiritual journeys). But what I will say in closing - is that as we wait and prepare for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the New Year, and as silence, light, and the invitation to pause fall across our path in all the shapes - foreseen or not. I invite you to raise your hearts (and candles) together and welcome “Love’s Pure Light” into the world in the face of all that is joyful, tearful, complicated, and holy.

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth

Much Light and Many Blessings, -Rev. Jeanne