Willing to Receive a Blessing?


Can you imagine how the disciples felt about being called to be companions with Jesus, this charismatic person who spoke surprising things about God’s love to crowds gathered around him?  During those three years together leading up to the Blessing at the Last Supper, the disciples could have sung, “We’ve grown accustomed to your face.”  Of course, they had no idea they would be saying “Good-bye” to all of that the next day.

The disciples were even more surprised to be able to say “Hello, again” on Easter.  During the 40 days after Easter were they tentative in their relationship with Jesus when he seemed to pop in and out of their lives so unexpectedly?  Did they muddle between being confused and being hopeful about the relationship?   

What did they experience on the 40th post-resurrection day?  Luke (24:50-51) says very simply, “Jesus led them out of the city over to Bethany.  Raising his hands, he blessed them.”  (Nothing new here – he often went to Bethany; he often blessed those around him.)  But Luke continues, “And while blessing them he took his leave and was carried up to heaven.”  Were they prepared to say “Good-bye?”  Did they wonder, “When will we see you again?”  Luke merely says, “He blessed them.”

Perhaps on that day, Jesus used the Blessing Moses gave to Benjamin: (you are)

“God’s Beloved.

God’s permanent residence,

Encircled by God all day long,

Within whom God is at home.” (Deut. 33:12)

Can you take to heart today, this blessing for you?  The surprising reality is, those Blessing words are absolutely true! – Jackie Freitas