What to Do for Lent?

So here we are, the first Sunday of Lent 2024.  What does that mean for us, for you?  I have been listening, for the better part of my life, to all kinds of suggestions as to what I should or should not do, what I can or cannot do, what the season is about, and how I can be more prepared for Easter.

My life and spiritual Journey have moved and changed over the years. So where am I right now? What do I believe that the Lenten season is about? For me, Lent is not about anything negative. For me, Lent is about courage – the courage it takes to continue opening my heart to God in order that I can live as the presence of God in this world.  It is to live as Jesus did, to reflect the love of the Creator to all people and to encourage, “…even the least of these…” to live in the same way.  There are days when this is the most difficult part of living for me.  There are other days when I know that I touched on the experience of really opening my heart to God. I believe that Lent is an every-day-of-every-month-of-every-year experience.

I also believe that living this way gives me permission to celebrate joyfully, not only the risen Christ, but the joy that comes in ordinary ways, including the Easter Bunny! Joy is celebrated when we recognize everywhere the presence of God who makes all of our days joyful.  Blessings as you grow through Lent this year and always.        -Chris L.