A Call For Perspective

For the disciples, trusting Jesus during his public ministry seems to be going well as Jesus feeds the multitude, gives sight to the blind, and heals the sick. And then - Wham!  One fine Friday their entire world turns upside down!  Their perspective is thrown out of whack.

Journey-wise, you’ve experienced this too!  Life goes along rather smoothly and then – out of the blue - challenges arise which seem to be “too much!” You can hardly make yourself see the situation, let alone see the situation through! Talk about perspective!   

What is perspective?  Here are three ways to look at it.

  1. “Perspective: a visible scene, especially one extending to a distance; vista.”

  • Major events and circumstances do not always make sense right now. Can you deepen your trust in the Holy One by assuring yourself that there is a distant vista within which this will make sense?

  1. “Perspective: The capacity to view things in their true or relative importance.”

  • Do you distinguish between significant and insignificant details in daily life? A homey example of “insignificant” would be insisting that the toothpaste be squeezed from the bottom instead of the top. (You can probably think of 10 more examples!) Focusing your energy mainly on day-to-day insignificant details can absorb all you attention. Letting go of them can help you see their relative unimportance within larger situations. Where do you want to put your focus and energy?

  1. “Perspective: The faculty of seeing all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship.”

  • Who is the Holy One to you? If you were to describe your view of God to someone else, what would you share? What is the relevant data - your thoughts, words, and actions - that you bring into your relationship with the Holy One, with others, and with yourself?

Perhaps the question for you right now is “How can I continue to walk in faith when ‘things’ happen?”  Blessings as you continue your Journey with the Holy One who loves you and calls you to develop your relationship-perspective through the events, challenges and decisions you face right now along the Way.  – Jackie F