The Waters That Connect Us All

“The monastic life is like digging into a well: over the years you dig deeper and deeper in your understanding of things, until the day arrives that you reach the waters that connect us all.”  Brother David

So much has gone on in the last three weeks that has touched my life in some way.  Charlottesville, Hurricane Harvey, DACA being reversed, White Supremacy rising, and our country’s leadership moving backward in so many ways.

How do I make a difference? That is the question that I am constantly asking myself. What does my faith tell me about all of this? How can I help others who don’t understand what an impact each of us can make to help turn the tide of hatred, distrust, misunderstanding, racism, bigotry, and sexism?  

Then, I ran into the quote above (no one was hurt in the collision.)  Our spiritual lives are like the monastic life. We experience things in life that make us ask questions and take action. The questions may change, and the same questions may come up many times in life.  We have to dig deeper to find the answers every time.

  There are no cut and dried answers to anything meaningful in life.  The Lord calls to us every day to face life, to walk as Jesus did, to be present to all in every circumstance. Each day is a new opportunity to live with open eyes, hearts and hands. 

As we share our waters this Sunday, I pray that we all dig deeper and deeper until we all meet at the waters that connect us all.  -Chris L.