The Secret of Daily Life by Jackie Freitas

Energy wavers as you take a deep breath, letting go of the many hectic responsibilities of this past Christmas season.  “A new year is here,” you tell yourself – “Rejoice!”  Perhaps you also find yourself hoping, “If only this year can be calmer, more centered, more prayerful, more peaceful, more purposeful.”  Or, maybe you feel overwhelmed as you anticipate fulfilling some New Year’s resolution you’ve put on your shoulders, or anticipate what it will take to finish up what’s still undone from 2015, or face what you know is “coming down the pike” in 2016.  Perhaps questions swirl around you:  “Will I ever catch up?”  “Will I ever accomplish all I set out to do?”  “Will I have the strength?”


Maybe this is a good time to stop and reflect on a different perspective.  Life really is simple although profound.  In scripture Micah says:

“What does the Lord ask of you but

to do justice,

and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)


Jesus encourages the same attitude when he says,

          “By this will all know you are my disciples

           if you love one another.”  (John 13:34-36)


Inayat Khan, the Sufi master expresses it this way,

          “There is no greater sign of the Presence of God

  than being fully engaged in the activities of life

  while demonstrating loving kindness, tranquility and ease of being.”


Here in these three quotes is the real “response-ability” of daily living to which our Still Speaking God invites you.  This is what you are really called to accomplish no matter what your involvements.


Blessings as you take to heart the spirit of these words.   Know that you are not alone and will receive strength and light and grace to do what is yours to do.  Emmanuel, “God-with-Us”, is truly with you as you move into your 2016 Journey and the “secret of daily living.”     -- Jackie F.