The Healing Circle Explained

Healing Circle is held Monthly on the last Monday of the month.

Message us for the link to join.

What do we do in the Healing Circle?

A guided meditation on “conscious” breathing is used to still the mind and bring us in touch with the body and the divine that resides within each of us.  The meditation leads us to directing Divine healing energy to those entered into the Circle.  The meditation also reminds us that as we direct God’s Healing Love to others, that Love must flow through each of us, and each of us needs to be open to accepting the share of that Love meant to heal the wounds each of us carry within.

What is Healing Energy?

I am a Reiki (pronounced ray’-key) master.  Reiki is a healing practice started in Japan in the late 1800s.  Reiki means “Universal Life Force Energy."  Since I believe that we are creatures created by God, and that the gift of this life is the greatest expression of God’s Love, then it follows that Universal Life Force Energy is God’s Love.  And since God creates nothing imperfect, it must also follow that we are perfect creations, accepted by God as we are.  In the Healing Circle we direct God’s Healing Love (Energy) to those in need of His extra care.

Directing, or channeling, God’s Love to heal is something we have all done.  When in the presence of someone that is in pain, physically or emotionally, such as a child that falls and skins a knee or a friend suffering the loss of a loved one, the nearly universal first response is a rush of concern for the one in pain, followed by reaching out a hand placed on the back, usually in line with the heart.  In that moment you are practicing energy healing, channeling God’s Love and Comfort with your directed concern, caring touch, and intension to give comfort.

In the Healing Circle we learn to be conscious of the intension to help others by directing God’s Healing Energy and know it is something we can do whenever the need is perceived, in others or ourselves.  We practice how to center ourselves, shed the external cares that bombard us constantly, and go within our own bodies to the divine spark of life, God within each of us, the source of life, love, and healing.

Why Do We Need Healing?

While I believe we are created by the Love of God, with a spark of the Divine in each of us, it is often hard for us to accept, or feel worthy, of His unconditional Love or in the perfection of our creation.  In our humanness, God has granted us what I call “that pesky free will”, that allows us to try to find our own way in this world.  It is “free will” that makes belief in any spiritual path meaningful because one must make a choice of what to believe and how to act.

I believe that we each make an agreement with God to learn some aspect of life, emotion, or method of dealing with one another before we enter this life.  To learn, one must be taught.  Teaching comes through our experiences in life.  Some lessons can be destructive or hurtful to ourselves or others, and those lessons can be repeated often before we, hopefully, reach a point where the right circumstances bring us to an understanding of what we have been doing and why, and in “learning” the lesson, we can transcend the behavior and move toward enlightenment, our true selves, and God.

I have come to believe that the “hurts” we have done to ourselves or others, and those done, or perceived to have been done, to us can reside or be remembered within the body and result in symptoms of disease (dis-ease) in the body.  These “hurts” can also reside in the conscience or sub conscience mind and can result in symptoms of dis-ease emotionally and/or spiritually.  As the soul, the true self, is eternal, we may even enter this life carrying unresolved hurts.

Each of us can use help connecting with and/or accepting God’s Love and Healing.  The accepting of God’s Love is the job of each of us, but it is often through the care and help of others that the connection to God and the accepting of His Love is strengthened.  This is when we direct God’s Healing Love with our intension to care for one another.

Above, I have tried to state what I have come to believe at this time and why I convene the Healing Circle.  I trust that I will continue to evolve in how I see meaning in my existence.  To participate in the Healing Circle does not mean that one believes as I do, but to bring their own relationship with the Divine to the Circle.  The power of the group is much greater than the sum of its participants and different approaches lead to better results.

Benefits of the Healing Circle

In the preceding portions of this explanation of the Healing Circle, I have tried to clarify who makes up the Circle, how it’s conducted, my ideas of what Healing Energy is, and our need of it.  I want now to suggest the benefits that can be obtained from participating in the Healing Circle directing and receiving God’s Love.

I understand that terms like “channeling God’s Love” and “directing God’s Healing Energy” may sound a bit off-putting to some.  For me they are just as clear and valid as the word “prayer”, during which we are doing much the same thing.  What the Healing Circle does is a form of prayer, one that uses fewer words, but has just as much intent and power.  During prayer, the brain and body undergo much the same physiologic operational changes as experienced during meditation.  Deep prayer leads to a state of meditation.  The body relaxes and different parts of the brain become activated.  In the Healing Circle, we strive to enter the meditative state first, then enter our Healing “prayer” without having to come up with the words to convey our intent.  All we need do is establish our intent and focus on the recipient.  God knows what healing is needed, so we are freed from defining what we want God to do.  We can relax into the knowledge that what healing needs to be done and what will be accepted by the recipient will be given.  This concept can be hard as it requires releasing our expectations of what God’s Healing should look like.  We need to accept that the God’s Healing is taking the form most needed by the recipient.  Unfortunately, healing and curing are not the same thing, and we must accept the “rightness” of the outcome.  We know only in part.

I can only convey the benefits I experience and those expressed to me by other members of the Circle.  As I have indicated above, there is a relaxation of the body and the mind.  A freeing from the tension of the world outside and the “mind” voices that call us to come hither, thither, and yon in endless quests for the unobtainable.  The journey we take within ourselves brings each of us to the peace, calm, and Divine Love that is there all the time.  It is a place of joy amid the chaos around us.

With repeated practice, it becomes easier to find one’s way to the peace within.  This coupled with a trust that God is working within each of us to heal that which ails us, we can be better prepared to face the trials of this life and embrace the joys of it as well.

I feel that I was led to a revealing of knowledge about myself and a calling in which I have been engaged nearly all my life without realizing it.  The Healing Circle is something I do as a small way of passing on what I have received and is an opportunity to practice and teach what I believe, thus giving glory to God who has made it possible.

With Love and Blessings,
Steve Holly

If interested in receiving the Zoom link for the next Healing Circle, or would like more information first, please email me at